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It's clear: faced with escalating imperialist violence, communities everywhere must take back the definition of education to empower ourselves for our collective liberation.
That's what the Planet Repairs Action Learning Educational Revolution process is about.

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PRALER is a joint process of communities of resistance, organisations, and networks, glocally building and promoting the UbuntuPachaVidya Peoples' Communiversity of Planet Repairs Action Learning (UPCOPRAL):

Why PRALER is needed

Faced with global demands of system change and communities compelled into resistance to redress the impacts of colonial violence expressed in the climate and ecological crisis, the dominant powers respond with militarisation to repress and eradicate all forms of resistance.
To win, we need to take back education. ​

We need an educational revolution based on many knowledges and overstandings of Planet Repairs, if we are to overcome the role of white supremacist and imperialist miseducation in producing desk-killers and other criminal perpetrators of epistemicide, genocide, and ecocide.


As such, communities everywhere must take back the definition of education, to empower ourselves, for our collective liberation, for Cognitive Justice and to win Planet Repairs.

Miseducation includes the deliberate refusal to see alternative processes of education for liberation that indigenous and other communities of resistance keep on developing, the marginalisation of their institutions, and the de-legitimisation of indigenous and other communities of resistance efforts for Planet Repairs.

“When safeguarding the rights of past, present and future generations: the need to proceed from a standpoint of Pluriversality that highlights the nexus of reparatory, environmental and cognitive justice in articulating the impetus to repair holistically our relationship with, and inseparability from, Mother Earth, Environment and the Pluriverse giving due recognition to Indigenous Knowledges in contrast with western-centric Enlightenment ideals that separated Humanity from Nature and thereby justified exploitation for capital accumulation.” - Esther Stanford-Xosei

Planet Repairs, as named here by Esther Stanford-Xosei, has emerged as a holstic political project from the International Social Movement for Afrikan Reparations and directs all of the PRALER's programs of work. 

The explainer on the right is from the PRALER Booklet - click here to read it in full - and begin studying the powerful work of communities of resistance across the world fighting for Planet Repairs!

What is Planet Repairs?

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What are Planet Repairs?
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