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What PRALER is- and what it isn't

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PRALER is a process to transform education in service to the liberation of our communities and our peoples. 

Education is still one of the key sites of struggle that has to be properly contested so that communities and our issues and struggles are not marginalised or isolated, but are seen as the most important sites of knowledge production and legitimate vehicles of education.

Planet Repairs is a framework that encompasses the direction of this liberation.

PRALER launched in October 2022 with the reclamation of the
Walter Rodney Freedom Square in SOAS London, as seen below:

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PRALER is guided by the Interim Steering Committee MWISCCCOR (the Majority World Internationalist Solidarity Coordinating Council of Communities of Resistance) and supported through XR-BCAN (Extinction Rebellion Being the Change Affinity Network).

What are PRALER's objectives?

The objective of PRALER is to strengthen the position of our communities and our struggles and to build from these an interconnected and commons of knowledge.


In practice this means rebuilding Internationalist institutions, networks, and relationships that allow our movements to build global power together and fight together - including PRALER's work to build the UPCOPRAL.


What is the UBUNTUPACHAVIDYA Peoples' Communiversity of Planet Repairs Action Learning (UPCOPRAL?)

UPCOPRAL is the vision of an institution for unifying peoples' power through educational systems and processes, highlighting indigeneity, decolonisation, and Pluriversality, to secure Transformative Adaptation, and Planet Repairs Action-Learning Educational Revolution, to produce an increasingly interconnected global academy commons.

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UBUNTUPACHAVIDYA is a Global Justice conceptual framework of Intercultural Communion for the Internationalist Solidarity Defence of human, peoples' and Mother Earth’s Rights. 


  • Afrikan concept  of "Ubuntu"; (seeing one's own Humanity in the shared Humanity of all peoples of the World )

  • Plus the indigenous concept  from Abya Yala (so-called Latin America) of "Pachamama" (Living Mother Earth);

  • Together with the indigenous Asian concept of "Vidya" (true Knowledge);

Altogether to mean: "Sharing our Common Humanity in the 'All for One and One for All' One Love Embrace, true Knowledge and invincible Defence of our Mother Earth"!

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