What is the Decolonial Open Communiversity?
For centuries knowledge has been developed by billions of people in all corners of the world to preserve life, maintain balance and build a more just world. Our rights did not come out of academia but out of the struggle of ordinary peoples and communities fighting for their freedom and thereby expanding the horizons of knowledge and wisdom. This is a movement that is resurging today and is a continuation of what humans have always done in difficult times to support each other to build a better world of justice for all.
The Decolonial Open Communiversity is a space for all peoples from across the world to work together on decolonisation by sharing their diverse cultures, wisdoms, knowledges, skills, understandings and contexts in order to undo the harms of imperialism and effectively unify our paths to repair humanity and Mother Earth. It is about learning collectively through transforming the world.
The DOC is a historic reunion led by real people, particularly those from indigenous and other colonised communities of resistance, who want Planet Repairs change. We are going to come together because the times say that we need to. We will be asking the difficult questions and seeking to co-produce viable answers. Everyone is invited to the table. We are going to share knowledge, music and other forms of cultural creativity. At a time when all forms of war are again being used to divide us, glocally build new bridges with peoples from across the world.
What does the creative callout involve?
We need all of you who are artists and creatives to lend your creative skills to this effort and invite submissions of primarily posters, but also other forms of visual art like photography, banners, illustrations. To support the creative process we have a couple of suggested themes below:
Learning through transforming the world around us
The knowledge and education which has served the purpose of peace and justice has always come from people working to transform the world around them. This is demonstrated up to this day by students occupying their universities and demonstrating to the their institutions the true meaning of education during a time of genocide.
Everyone is invited to the table to share the fruits of our ancestral wisdom
There are vast amounts of examples of communities who against the odds found common cause with people from other continents and in the process showed us what a truly united humanity could be. In many cases we are doing our ancestors a disservice by neglecting their memories and experiences, which is something we want to remedy by inviting everyone to the table to share the fruits of our ancestral wisdom.
Repairing Humanity and Mother Earth
Repairing our relationships with each other and with the earth is a global struggle against the systems of death and destruction, and is embodied in many cultural practices which have been protected by communities around the world and are being revived in communities where they have been lost.
All peoples freedom, the whole world's peace
Wars are increasingly being waged against our communities around the world in the forms of genocide against the people of Palestine, Sudan and the DRC, narco-paramilitary groups in Abya Yala, ongoing plantation systems in India, and militarisation of societies in the Global North. Putting a stop to this requires not just the absence of military warfare, but standing up for the freedom of all peoples to determine their own future.
Mood board, slogans and sources of inspiration: Mood Board
Examples and DOC logo: DOC Creatives
Practical details:
By submitting artwork to this callout you agree for us to use it for non-profit purposes and provide you as artist any due credit. We might also ask for permission separately to reproduce the artwork in the form of stickers, prints or similar to support fundraising for this project, helping us to cover expenses such as travelling and accommodation for delegates.
To make a submission please email us at: praler@riseup.net. Deadline is the 25th of October 2024.